Build a strong foundation of leadership skills that can help you guide academic institutions or organizations by earning your online doctoral education degree. In this degree program, you’ll sharpen your analytical, critical and innovative-thinking skills. You’ll also learn how to apply educational leadership theory to strategic 规划, 反过来帮助组织达到更高的高度.
灵活性是博士候选人的关键. 这就是为什么我们所有的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜都是在线的,通常是8周. 而许多机构要求住校, our 8-week doctoral symposiums are 100% online — giving you the flexibility you need to complete your degree whenever and wherever it’s convenient for you. Even better, you’ll begin your dissertation during your third course. That means you can organize the work into smaller segments and identify challenges quickly, 这样你就可以在你的学术旅程中更早地解决它们.
The doctoral degree program length can vary by program expectations. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的扩展, 研究建议, and research and dissertation can all impact the duration and cost of doctoral studies. That's why our doctoral support team is here to guide you every step of the way. 查看您所选择的程序的详细信息.
If you have questions, speak to our dedicated doctoral enrollment representative.
您将 12 核心推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜及 6 educational leadership electives with program-specific knowledge to help you build on the confidence and skills necessary to lead. The core courses cover foundational education leadership competencies, while the electives help you build skills in a specialized area of academic leadership.
教育领导: Prepare to lead with academic integrity as you focus on courses about academic structure, 学校的资助, 政策制定和师资力量.
推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜与教学: Develop skills to help improve learning outcomes with courses related to curriculum development and policy, 以及教学和评估方法.
教育技术: 想要彻底改变学生的学习方式? This track will explore implementing technologies into curriculum and teaching to make coursework more accessible.
高等教育行政: Gain skills to address complex educational challenges at the postsecondary level through research, 规划, 财政监督和成果评估.
从拨款到转移信贷和联邦财政援助, 支付学费和节省学费的方法有很多种.
“获得博士学位是一段坎坷的旅程,但却是有益的! 激励我坚持下去的是我对教育的承诺, my commitment to move forward with determination and discipline without giving up even when times got difficult. Studying at University of Phoenix gave me knowledge but also happiness, motivation and strength.”
MAED/AET 2015; EDD/ET 2020
“说实话,我从没想过自己会去攻读博士学位. 这段旅程带来了泪水和欢乐,也带来了最终的友谊. 有几处曲折, but the experience and personal growth has been significant to my personal and professional growth.”
charlene R.
EDD / CI 2015
Over 1 million alumni have earned their degrees while balancing work, school and life. 你能吗?.
一旦你选择了你的学位推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 从我们的日历中选择你的开始日期, apply for free and register before the deadline (usually one week before the program starts). 然后你会和注册代表谈话,开始上课.
Our college deans focus on developing a career-relevant curriculum. They bring industry experience to the classroom and lead a faculty of academic professionals with one goal in mind—to help you earn the skills you need to pursue your career.
推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 不断认可 由高等教育委员会(教统会), hlcommission.org 自1978年以来.
推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜长度为42个月, but completing it depends on a few factors including whether you take breaks during your program.
Completing this degree can help prepare you to take on the most senior positions in the field of education, 比如学校管理员.
Yes, all our courses are available online, including the doctoral symposiums. 你在8周内一次上一门课. You and your peers will engage in discussions, assignments and learning activities. Plus, you’ll learn from faculty who bring their own real-world experience. With several faculty members who have held positions as school administrators, you’ll learn practical knowledge and skills that are important to drive your career growth, 帮助您领导机构并提高学术成果.